Travel Expenses

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Here you can create travel expense reports. You can also see an overview of all your traveling expenses, which can be printed or downloaded. As an administrator, you can see here the traveling expenses of all employees and their status - approved or paid. In addition, you can display an overview for each individual employee, which also can be printed out or downloaded. The overview can also be grouped according to employees or departments, giving you an even better overview of individual departments, for example.

To create a travel expense report, click on the plus sign in the top right-hand corner. In the mask that now opens, first enter the header data. This is the general information about the expense report, such as the name and the business purpose.


Enter the complete itinerary here, if necessary also with additional stopovers. The meal and overnight rates are then calculated on the basis of this data. If you commute every day, tick the box "daily arrival and departure". This will automatically apply only the reduced meal and overnight rate for all days of travel.

Meal and overnight rates

Click on update. Based on your itinerary, the rates are displayed here. If necessary, these meal and overnight rates can also be reduced by clicking on the corresponding meals. This is relevant if the meals were provided by the employer. For breakfast, the rate is reduced by 20%, for lunch and dinner by 40% each.

The meal and overnight rates stated here are only calculated for German travel expenses law and are only applicable for clients based in Germany.

Ride costs

Record your travel costs (kilometre allowance) here by first specifying whether it is a private vehicle or one provided by the company. Enter its license plate and the kilometres driven (distance). If you have already stored this in the driver's logbook, you can also import it directly from there.


All receipts such as fuel or hotel bills can be entered here. To do this, click on "add further receipt". Under "Category" you will find a selection of all possible receipts. Fill in all the predefined fields and upload the corresponding receipt. Using the edit pen, receipts can also be moved from one statement to another afterwards. To do this, delete the name of the previous travel expense report in the mask that opens and then select the name of the new report.

Submit traveling expenses

After all fields for the travel expense report have been filled in, click on 'Submit travel expense'. You will be advised of any missing information and to check your entries again carefully. The total amount of the reimbursement will also be displayed directly.  

Now check all the information again and then click on 'Submit travel expense'. The administrator will now receive your travel expense report and can either approve or reject it. If it has been approved, the employee will receive an e-mail or a push-notification - depending on the setting - that the expense report has been made available for payment. Otherwise, it must be revised again.

Under "Travel expenses", the employee can see the current status of his/her submitted statements. These can be viewed at any time by clicking on them.

Approve traveling expenses        

If an employee submits a travel expense report, this will be displayed to the administrator or scheduler in the tab under 'approve', depending on access rights. Click on the submitted expense report so that it is displayed to you. Check the details, write a comment if necessary and approve or reject it. In both cases, the employee is informed by mail or push-notification and in the system. The approval of the traveling expense can be released by the users who have the corresponding right in the system or, if the report is assigned to a job or project, by the respective scheduler or project manager. For this, the authorisations must be set accordingly under Administration > General > User groups.

Pay out traveling expenses      

Click on 'Paying out' to get a list of all approved traveling expenses. Click on one of these reports to see its header data and the amount to be paid out. To pay out, tick 'Amount paid out' and 'Save'. If the meal and overnight rates, travel expenses and receipts are not to be paid out together in one sum, the components can also be marked individually as 'paid out'.

If the travel expense report, or parts of it, has been paid, it appears under the respective employee as 'completed'. The relevant employee is informed of this by e-mail and / or push-notification and in the system.

You can also return the travel expense report to the employee under 'for correction' so that he or she can revise it and submit it again. The processing of the payment (like the approval of the travel expense report) can only be carried out by users with the appropriate access rights.


The overview can be filtered at the top left by the 'date of approval', the 'billing date' or the 'date of the project or job' and further down by years and months. You will receive an overview of all travel expenses for the selected month, which you can print out as a PDF or download in the usual formats. With the appropriate access rights, you can also filter by employees.

At the top right, the travel expenses can be grouped according to employees or departments. In this way, it is possible, for example, to process the reports sorted by department.