Individual tabs

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With the help of the individual tabs, further information such as time, material and guest lists or other additional data fields can be created individually for all jobs or projects under Administration > Jobs / Projects > Individual tabs. These tabs are displayed at the top of a job or project as additional icons and can be opened there. When creating the tabs, you can already decide for which jobs and job types they should be displayed. Depending on the display option, either a list or a table display is available, as well as a separate print view.

Click on “Add another tab”. Select “empty tab” for an individual tab or use our templates (guest list, schedule, participant list, hotel list).

Empty tab

Enter a name for your tab and select an icon under which you will then find the tab in the job or project. Select the type. “Simple” for a list display, i.e. if only one field is to be assigned, a value 'Table' for a table display. This displays the assigned fields in a table. Then select whether and who should be notified about the tabs. Depending on the setting under My account > Notifications > Notification of change in job, the notification can be sent by email and/or push notification. Then tick the jobs and job types in which the tab should be displayed. If one of the fields is to be filled with the requested and / or booked employees (field / column type employee), this can be done automatically via autofill. However, this is only possible in the tabular display.

Then name the individual fields or columns via “+Add further additional information”. Enter the name there and, if the field or column is to have a different title, also the title. Under “Type” you can select how the respective field or column is to be filled in. For example, as a text field, as a date field, with customers, documents, signatures and much more. If you select a selection menu, you can create the individual entries available for selection here. If you also check the “Option for other”, the employee can enter an individual value in a free text field.

The individual fields or columns can then be marked as a required field (must be filled in), as a private field (only visible to the scheduler) and / or relevant for the print view. Click on save.

Finally, select who has access to this tab.

The position of the individual lines can be moved both in the administration and in the job or project itself. By clicking on the title line of a table, the sorting in the job can also be done automatically. The sorting set in this way is adopted when saving and displayed automatically the next time.


Use our templates such as “Guest list”, “ Timetable”, “List of participants" or "Hotel list" as pre-generated tabs. If required, they can be changed in the same way as under “Empty tabs”.