Additional data

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Additional data can be created in many places in the system. This is possible for projects, jobs, tasks, personnel, clients, subcontractors, locations and rooms, and vehicles. The additional data for the latter five then appears in the master data, and for the others in the respective project, job or task dialog.

So if you want to create information for which there is no space in the system yet, go to Administration and select Additional data in the appropriate place and “Add additional data”. Enter the name of the info and, if the field is to contain a default value, also enter the default.

Under “Type” you will find a large selection of fields that can be selected depending on what information is required. Everything from a simple text field to checkboxes and a signature field can be found here. Depending on the selection, the fields can be adjusted again (the height of the text box or the entries in the selection menu) and / or a default value can be stored if the field should already be pre-filled. If the “Option for miscellaneous” is also ticked in the “Selection menu”, the user can enter their own individual value for this selection. In order to create a visual separation for larger lists of additional data for a better overview, you can add a “divider” under “Type”.

Validation is possible for some additional data fields. For example, number ranges can be defined, but complex checks such as SI numbers, IBANs and other special fields are also possible.

You can then tick whether these fields must always be filled in ( Required), whether these fields should only be visible to schedulers ( Private) and / or whether these fields should appear in the print view.

The additional data that has been created for the employees then also appears as a filter in the request dialog so that the employees can be selected quickly and easily according to individual data.

Tip: If you create additional data for employees with the name “Pension insurance number”, the pension insurance number is automatically pre-filled in the print view for the exemption request.