My Account

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If not already done in the base data, each staff member can enter or change his or her personal information here. This information is only visible to authorised employees and is relevant for quick arrangements. In addition to the classic personal data, other data can also be entered in this area - depending on access rights.

My profile

The typical personal data is entered here (name, address, telephone number, contact details, etc.). Depending on access rights, you can add further fields under Administration > Personal > Additional information. Optionally, a profile picture can also be stored here.


Here the administrator can upload any kind of documents or files. In order for them to be visible to the respective CrewBrain user, they must first be approved.

Under Administration > Staff > Document category, the documents can be divided into categories for a better overview.


Upload your certificates here. Certificates are crucial for many jobs. With the correct designation, they can be taken into account even better when selecting jobs.  

Each certificate must first be checked or approved by the administrator.

Categories can also be specified for certificates: Administration > Staff > Certificates

Emergency contacts

Enter the contact details of persons who are to be notified in the case of an emergency. The emergency contacts can only be viewed by authorised persons. If these persons are not schedulers, the access will be logged and you will be notified by e-mail. This prevents misuse and unauthorised retrieval of the data.


Registered periods

Here you can enter your holiday periods. In case of enquiries during the relevant period, it will then automatically be apparent that you are not available. Depending on the settings, holidays are approved automatically or must be approved by a scheduler. By clicking on "Add further time-off", you can create another holiday period. Depending on the settings, this must first be approved.

Periods as vacation replacement for others

If it has been specified under Administration > Time-off & Absence > General that employees must define a deputy for their holiday periods, you can enter these deputy periods here.

Holiday calendar subscription

If you already manage your holidays in a private calendar (e.g. iCal, Google Calendar, etc.) and can share it via the Internet, you can subscribe to this calendar here. For each day on which an appointment is found in the subscribed calendar, a day-off is automatically entered in CrewBrain or a time-off request is created.

Here, too, you have the option of subdividing the calendar into categories.

Driver's log

Here you can view your logbook with all the journeys you have made. As an administrator, you can edit them afterwards. See here how to create journeys.


Here you can see all the work equipment provided by your employer. By entering various information or uploading documents or photos, the respective work equipment can be clearly identified. In addition, a regular check can be estimated. The respective employee is requested to have this check carried out. The result can also be recorded in CrewBrain.

Favorite filters

Here you can share your filter favourites with other users, user groups, departments or simply with all other users of the system.


Change password

Here you can and should change your password regularly to avoid unauthorised access to CrewBrain. Please follow the instructions for secure passwords. Under Administration > System > Security, the guidelines for passwords can be precisely defined.

Change PIN

By creating a personal PIN and your personnel number, you can record your working hours at without having to log in to CrewBrain.


Colour scheme

Select your preferred colour scheme here.

System language

Select here in which language CrewBrain should be available to you.


Here you can choose the view CrewBrain will show you after logging in.

New features

Here you can activate new features. So far our new request dialogue for which you can also decide who or what should be searched when opening - employees, freelancers, service providers and / or vehicles.

Work safety

Every accident or incident that has an impact on the health of an employee must be documented according to DGUV regulation (§24 para. 6 regulation 1). This could also become mandatory for Covid-19 tests in the future. CrewBrain offers electronic processing of this information so that it can be stored in the system directly by the employee.

First-aid book

The First Aid Book must first be activated under Administration > Work safety > First Aid Book.

Once activated, each staff member has a new menu item under "My Account" in both the WebApp and the Desktop view, which they can use to record incidents.

Record incidents

Go to My Account > First Aid Book and click on "Add further entry". There, the information required in accordance with DGUV regulations on the course of events, illnesses or injuries and first aid measures can be entered for each incident. Incidents can be recorded for the currently logged-in user as well as for third parties.

Automatic notification

For each incident recorded in the electronic first-aid book, the administrators are notified by e-mail. For reasons of data protection, these notifications only contain the name of the person who wrote the entry. The entire entry can be accessed via a link in the e-mail or under Administration > Work safety > First Aid Book.

Data protection

Since the entries in the electronic first-aid book are strictly speaking health data, data protection according to DSGVO must be strictly observed and maintained. The entries are therefore deleted by default after 5 years and can only be retrieved by the employee concerned, the person making the entry and users with access to the administration.


Covid-19 Tests

Test tracking must first be activated under Administration > Work safety > Covid-19 Tests.

Once it has been activated, each employee will have a new menu item under "My Account" in both the WebApp and the Desktop view to record incidents.

Record test result

Click on "Add further entry". In addition to entering the date, you can now select whether it is the documentation of a test, a vaccination or an infection. Depending on this, various drop-down fields are available. For each type you can optionally upload documents (e.g. the picture of a self-test).

Evaluate results

The test results can be evaluated in jobs and sub-jobs with a new print view. For each employee involved in the job, the date of the last test before the start of the job is listed there, including the result.

Data protection

Corona test results are health data. For this reason, the stored documents and the test results are deleted after a short time. Afterwards, only the information about when and where the employee was tested remains in the system. The time period for automatic deletion can be set under Administration > Occupational Safety > Covid-19 Tests.



Under "General" and " Additional notifications" you can define the actions for which you would like to be notified by e-mail and / or push notification.

If your browser is capable of sending push notifications, you can activate them here.

If you want CrewBrain to send all your notifications to another email address, you can enter this under "Secondary email address".

If you would like to receive all enquiries, bookings and updates to jobs automatically as Outlook appointments as well, you can enter an email address under "Outlook email address" to which these should be sent.


CrewBrain offers an automatic calendar subscription that allows you to view jobs, projects or tasks from CrewBrain in your calendar programme. This subscription is compatible with many calendar programs and current smartphones. By clicking on "add further subscription", you can select whether tasks or jobs are to be subscribed to.

Select "Tasks", you can decide which task types and task lists are to be taken over and whether or when you want to be reminded.

Select "Jobs", you can click on what should be subscribed to. You can also set a reminder here.

Projects and main jobs can optionally be marked as "all-day". This way they are often displayed separately in the calendar programmes, which provides more clarity.

External calendars

Here you can subscribe to external calendars whose events you want to see in CrewBrain. CrewBrain can subscribe to all calendars that are publicly available in the form of an iCal feed. This is possible for example with a Google Calendar or Apple iCal.

To do this, enter the calendar name and its URL. Select a colour in which the entries are to be displayed and specify whether overlaps are to be displayed or not. If a staff member activates the overlap in his or her connected calendar, the scheduler can automatically see when a job overlaps with a stored calendar event of the staff member. In addition, external calendars can be released for selected employees, user groups, departments or for all. For each release, it is possible to define which information ("Entire calendar", "Title only" or "Absent only") is to be released.



See how many requests, acceptations, cancellations, bookings and logins you have here.

Active sessions

Here you can see which device you are currently logged in with and on which devices you are permanently logged in. If you notice any unknown devices in this list, you can end the session by clicking on the red "x". The next time you call up CrewBrain, you must log in to the corresponding device again with your user name and password.