Plan personnel requirements (One day event)

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When you create a new job and click on "Plan personnel requirements", the quick start will take you directly to the page where you can specify how many employees per category you need for your job. You can individualize the categories predefined by the system or add more under Administration > Staff > Categories.

By clicking "Add category" you will directly get an overview of your personnel requirements. This should now be filled with concrete employees. To do this, click on the "Add employee" icon:

Depending on your selection, all employees, freelancers, vehicles, rooms or subcontractors are displayed. You can now select them and either request, enter or book them directly via drag & drop. Behind each employee you can see the calculation of his/her deployments. When searching for the right employees, you can work with filters. They can be filtered by categories, certificates, languages, departments, branches, names, the radius, or the skill level. You can also filter by Covid-19 and thus by vaccination status.