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In addition to the "classic" event planning, CrewBrain also offers the possibility to create tasks. These tasks can be created job-independent as well as job-dependent. You can find the task section in the main menu. New tasks can be created here, working times can be recorded for the individual tasks and tasks can be marked as completed. To keep the overview, task lists can be created and shared with other users.

Tasks that have already been created can be edited at a later time. Depending on access rights, you can also assign tasks to employees. Similar to jobs, you can also create subtasks for tasks.

Single tasks as well as task lists can be printed.

Create a task

Create a task by entering the title in the input field. You can optionally enter a date and an editor. By pressing the Enter key, the task appears below the input field. If you now open the task, you have the possibility to add further information. You can upload documents, write comments (self-written comments can be edited or deleted afterwards. Comments written by others can also be edited or deleted with the corresponding access rights), set the priority, if necessary specify a time period in which the task should be completed. You can specify if the task should be repeated and if it should be assigned to a project / job or a task list. Furthermore, you have the possibility to create subtasks and record working times.


You have the possibility to create subtasks for each task. Each subtask is created like a task and can be processed in the same way. In the overview you can automatically see how many subtasks have already been completed. You can create the subtask in the main task by clicking on Subtasks in the left menu of the task. The menu for creating a subtask is similar to that of a "normal" task.

Edit tasks

If you have created a task yourself or are listed as editor, you have the option of entering detailed information in the individual tasks. To do this, click on a task. In the window that opens, you will see the overview on the left side. Here you can enter a more detailed description, upload documents or post comments.

On the right side you will find the information. This is where you can specify who should edit the task. Depending on the settings, the person is notified directly by mail and is then able to work on the task. By setting the priority, the task will additionally appear in the 'high' or 'highest' list, if this priority has been selected. By selecting a priority, the task will appear in the corresponding color. The due date of a task can be set by a date or a time period.

In addition to one-time tasks, you also have the option of creating a repeating task. To do this, enter the desired frequency in the "Repeat" field. As soon as the original task is completed, the new task will appear.

If a task is completed, mark it with a check mark at the bottom right corner.

You can quickly get an overview of the information, subtasks and working times in the tab on the left. Via the field "Protocol" you can see which changes have been made to the task and by whom.

Complete tasks

When you have successfully completed a task, you can mark this by a simple click on "completed" in the bottom bar of the task. Now the task disappears from the current view. If you have forgotten something in the already completed task, you can return to the completed task below the task list via the "completed tasks" field.

If the completed task is a recurring task, the new task will now appear in your overview.

Task lists

Task lists help you to keep a good overview of pending tasks. Thus, you can see at a glance which tasks are assigned to you, which have a high priority, which are overdue, when they need to be done and which were created by you.

Create task lists

In addition to the task lists provided by the system, you also have the option to create individual task lists. To do this, go to Add task list. Name them, assign them to a previously created folder and  add a description if needed. In these lists you can create multiple tasks that can be put in your personal order thanks to multiple lists and folders.

You can also set notifications for the task list you have created. At the top right side of the screen you can click on the "Notifications" bell and define when you want to receive a message.

Share task lists

Furthermore, you have the possibility to share your task list with employees or entire user groups. To do so, open the "Share task list" field at the top right side.

Create folders

To create a folder go to Add folder and name it. Now you have the option to move the self-created task lists into this folder. It is also possible to have several lists in one folder.

Move tasks

You can easily assign the individual tasks via drag&drop. The positions of the tasks in the individual lists can also be changed in this way.

Please note that the sidebar of the task lists has to be opened for this.

Some lists provide special functions when you move tasks to these lists:

  • If you move a task to 'assigned to me', you will automatically become the editor.
  • If you move a task to 'highest' or 'high priority' the status will be changed accordingly in the task.
  • If you move a task to 'today' or 'this week', the date will be adjusted accordingly.

Assign tasks

You can assign a task to a project or job. In this way, it will be visible as a task in the respective project or job. If you assign it to a task list, it will be moved there automatically.

Working times

Working times can also be saved individually for all tasks.